Things I post here represent my opinions and my perception of the world. By unauthorized copying and using stuff I created you are approving and accepting also my opinions and messages that are undoubtedly part of everything I do. You might want to reconsider that.
Prague - bizarre - nostalgy
-some street poetry, criticizing the way Czech women dress. found sticked to the back of a seat in tram.
-who killed The Monchhichi?
-unleashed and lonely
-someone didn't want to listen to that one anymore... dropped it at the street...
-fine feathers.
-so called Russian tea, produced on Sri Lanka, being actually mix of various tea from China, Darjeeling and Ceylon ;)
-evening chill at Strelecky ostrov
-Alice Cooper's got balls!
-when dropping one letter from Czech word for "groceries" you get three words: "sweat and guilts"
-National theatre night obsession
-minutes to midnight.
-midnight strikes at Karlovy Lazne, view from Charles Bridge
"PACKAGE" dance performance photo report
Japanese choreographer Shusaku Takeuchi created this show in 1993 for his group Bodytorium and since that time he travelled several other countries with this project, always using local dancers and settings. This time: Czech dancers in Prague at the piazzetta of the National Theatre and its New Scene. This unique space can be used as an open-air theatre, concert hall and even for the videomapping on its buildings (on this other event I'll report later, if the footage from my camrecorder is good enough to be presented here...). "Package" is the story of office employees going crazy from their work routine, stress and constant pressure. It was really well done and I hope my pictures will be able to bring at least tiny bit of its atmosphere to you, despite the fact that they are actually STILL.
fejeton z minulé zimy: taková ta pánská kostkovaná košile
Koukám Kitti přes rameno a ze stránek časopisu, kterým listuje, se dozvídám, že jsem zase sakra módní. S každou další přečtenou řádkou narůstá hodnota mojí kostkované košile. Musím se pro sebe usmát. Když jsem si ji na začátku října zkoušela v newyorské pobočce hadrárny American Eagle, tvářil se na mě afroamerický prodavač jménem Terrell všelijak. Ach ta Evropa! Doporučil mi košili vyhrnout rukávy a něčím ji vzadu sepnout. Poslechla jsem. Odhalená předloktí super, pod knoflíky se rýsující fastfoodem vykrmené břicho už míň. Rezignovaně jsem košili rozepnula a škodolibě šla popatřit do kabinky na svého devatenáctiletého bráchu. Oblečení, jež mu v dobré víře nanosila mamka, viselo na jeho vyhublém těle jako starý baloňák na strašáku v zelí. Nevím, co módního experta Terrella mučilo víc, jestli já arogantně narvaná v pánské košili (A stejně si ji koupím! Už jenom pro ty vzpomínky…) nebo můj rachitický bratr ve velikosti L. S typickou americkou upřímností pravil: „Já teda nevím jak VY V EVROPĚ, ale tady v Americe nosí plandavý oblečení akorát děti. A ty přece už nejsi dítě!“ Brácha duchaplně pokrčil rameny. „Proč si nezkusíš menší velikost? Máš přece krásně štíhlou postavu, to nemusíš schovávat.“ Načež Terrell zmizel a vrátil se s parádním outfitem z džín, perfektně padnoucího trika a mikiny s kapucou, přes které si bratr navlékl teplou černou vestu a při pohledu do zrcadla se po počátečním šoku na jeho tváři usadil výraz „teď je ze mě kurva borec“. Ve snaze obhájit se nemilosrdnému módnímu soudci Terrellovi, začaly jsme s mamkou vysvětlovat, že sehnat triko velikost S, které by bráchovi nekončilo nad pupíkem, je v Čechách fakt kumšt, a podivovaly jsme se, jak je možný, že americká trika jsou delší. Koukal na nás shovívavě a na závěr podotkl: „No dobře, ale kdyby přijel domů v tom, co jste mu vybrali vy a pak řekl, že si to koupil v Americe – to by byla strašná ostuda!“ Poklesla mi čelist. Ještě vrhnul pohled na mou budoucí košili a se zjevným přemáháním pravil: „Dobrý?“ Vzedmula se ve mně vlna hrdosti. „Výborný. Tu košili si vezmu!“ Jak by taky newyorský prodavač mohl pochopit, co pro mě po třech měsících strávených v jihoamerickém Arkansasu, který zbytek Ameriky považuje za příšerný vidlákov, znamená taková červenomodrá kostkovaná košile.
The Green Monster
I have a serious problem with the plant from my fishtank. That thing is getting bigger every minute. It's spread its leaves all over the tank and as there's not much space left, its new leaves are growing out of the water! How is that even possible? And why don't fish eat it? Do I feed them too much? Should I not feed them for a day or two and my problem will be solved?
Seriously, I feel like one day I'm gonna wake up with that thing wrapped around my neck... or maybe not wake up at all. Eaten by the plant, this could be the name of some stupid sci-fi movie. Or at least I hope it's just a sci-fi.
I think this case needs a harsh solution. I'll need to cut some of the leaves. Hopefully it will help the plant, not kill it. I'd prefer both of us surviving, but... honestly, if you had to make that decision, you wouldn't pick the plant over yourself, would you? (Did I hear someone saying "YES I would"? Awesome! I've got a tiny little green present for you, then!)
Quite remarkable progress, right?
What's the most fascinating fact for me? That despite the fact of NOT having enough space to do this, OBVIOUSLY, the plant continues growing like a crazy. Same for the fish. Despite being aware of the fact that the tank is too small even for just one or two of them, they'd continue reproducing happily, until there's more fish than water inside. Or maybe, I am actually being a witness of the evolution, happening just in my room, at my table, to be more precise! The plant is evolving, moving out of the water towards the earth! How long before my fish evolve too and join it? I can't wait to see their little primitive legs and see the process of getting rid of their gills and growing some brand new lungs! Oh, I knew I should have studied biology, dammit. As a screenwriting major, all I can do is watch and write... well I'd probably not be doing much more as a biologist...
But anyways.
I am a horrible fishtank owner.
I should have stick to the facebook's Happy Aquarium. Oh well, speaking of that - have you ever seen the REAL kissing fish?
Yep. Its not pink, sorry. Also, the level of their degeneration pretty much disables them - they can't close (shut) their mouths. Kissing is one of the few activities that do not make them look stupid. Their normal face expression is constatn wondering. Considering the fact they're stuck in the craziest Prague's shopping centre... no wonder.
Seriously, I feel like one day I'm gonna wake up with that thing wrapped around my neck... or maybe not wake up at all. Eaten by the plant, this could be the name of some stupid sci-fi movie. Or at least I hope it's just a sci-fi.
I think this case needs a harsh solution. I'll need to cut some of the leaves. Hopefully it will help the plant, not kill it. I'd prefer both of us surviving, but... honestly, if you had to make that decision, you wouldn't pick the plant over yourself, would you? (Did I hear someone saying "YES I would"? Awesome! I've got a tiny little green present for you, then!)
June 09 2011
June 29 2011
August 03 2011
Quite remarkable progress, right?
What's the most fascinating fact for me? That despite the fact of NOT having enough space to do this, OBVIOUSLY, the plant continues growing like a crazy. Same for the fish. Despite being aware of the fact that the tank is too small even for just one or two of them, they'd continue reproducing happily, until there's more fish than water inside. Or maybe, I am actually being a witness of the evolution, happening just in my room, at my table, to be more precise! The plant is evolving, moving out of the water towards the earth! How long before my fish evolve too and join it? I can't wait to see their little primitive legs and see the process of getting rid of their gills and growing some brand new lungs! Oh, I knew I should have studied biology, dammit. As a screenwriting major, all I can do is watch and write... well I'd probably not be doing much more as a biologist...
But anyways.
I am a horrible fishtank owner.
I should have stick to the facebook's Happy Aquarium. Oh well, speaking of that - have you ever seen the REAL kissing fish?
Yep. Its not pink, sorry. Also, the level of their degeneration pretty much disables them - they can't close (shut) their mouths. Kissing is one of the few activities that do not make them look stupid. Their normal face expression is constatn wondering. Considering the fact they're stuck in the craziest Prague's shopping centre... no wonder.
So You Think You Can Watch Fox TV Overseas?
There's eight season of So You Think You Can Dance going on. Its my favorite show, the only one I was really watching while staying in US. I went on the official webpage of the Fox Broadcasting Company. And here's the message I got when clicking on their video: THE VIDEO YOU ARE TRYING TO WATCH CANNOT BE VIEWED FROM YOUR CURRENT COUNTRY OR LOCATION.
See for yourself!
I'd like to know, why can't I watch this show from the Czech Republic? As far as I know, our countries are allies, aren't they? Our government agreed to have an American rocket base in our woods some time ago. The whole agreement ended up being pretty awkward for both sides. Current American President Barack Obama said US is not going to build the base and all that's left is a Czech documentary movie called Czech Peace, which I highly recommend for all of you to watch, no matter where do you come from. BUT, speaking of unfulfilled governmental agreements, this is not my problem, right? I see absolutely no reason for not letting me watch my show!!!
See for yourself!
I'd like to know, why can't I watch this show from the Czech Republic? As far as I know, our countries are allies, aren't they? Our government agreed to have an American rocket base in our woods some time ago. The whole agreement ended up being pretty awkward for both sides. Current American President Barack Obama said US is not going to build the base and all that's left is a Czech documentary movie called Czech Peace, which I highly recommend for all of you to watch, no matter where do you come from. BUT, speaking of unfulfilled governmental agreements, this is not my problem, right? I see absolutely no reason for not letting me watch my show!!!
Slutwalk in Prague
Don't let the name of this event fool you. Girls (and a few boys) who attended this event weren't actual sluts. They were normal kids, protesting against sexual harrasment on the streets.
All this slutwalks tradition started after one canadian policemen said, that women shouldn't dress like sluts if they don't want to be raped. After that, people all around the world started to organise these protest actions called "slutwalks". Girls dressed in short skirts, wearing deep neckline and high heels march through city, carrying transparents with slogans like: "my short skirt has nothing to do with you" and "no means no" are trying to point out the fact that the way you dress has nothing to do with you ending up as a victim. Rape is all about aggressor demonstrating his power over a victim, regardless how the victim is dressed.
But the prejudice and blaming victims for being dressed too seductively are not helping to solve the problem! Only 8% of the Czech rape victims will go to the police eventually to announce what has happened to them. The rest is afraid of being humiliated again, this time by the police. Its not rare to hear that you were the one who is to blame, as you provoked the aggressor.
This sounds like a problem that is worth marching through the streets!
How did it go?
Despite the fact it was raining quite a lot, about 25 people attended Slutwalk in Prague. (On facebook, 157 people confirmed their attendance. I have just one word for those who never showed up: cowards!!! We were there, marching through the rain! :)
Important link to check out if interested:
All this slutwalks tradition started after one canadian policemen said, that women shouldn't dress like sluts if they don't want to be raped. After that, people all around the world started to organise these protest actions called "slutwalks". Girls dressed in short skirts, wearing deep neckline and high heels march through city, carrying transparents with slogans like: "my short skirt has nothing to do with you" and "no means no" are trying to point out the fact that the way you dress has nothing to do with you ending up as a victim. Rape is all about aggressor demonstrating his power over a victim, regardless how the victim is dressed.
But the prejudice and blaming victims for being dressed too seductively are not helping to solve the problem! Only 8% of the Czech rape victims will go to the police eventually to announce what has happened to them. The rest is afraid of being humiliated again, this time by the police. Its not rare to hear that you were the one who is to blame, as you provoked the aggressor.
This sounds like a problem that is worth marching through the streets!
How did it go?
Despite the fact it was raining quite a lot, about 25 people attended Slutwalk in Prague. (On facebook, 157 people confirmed their attendance. I have just one word for those who never showed up: cowards!!! We were there, marching through the rain! :)
Important link to check out if interested:
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