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Slutwalk in Prague

Don't let the name of this event fool you. Girls (and a few boys) who attended this event weren't actual sluts. They were normal kids, protesting against sexual harrasment on the streets.

All this slutwalks tradition started after one canadian policemen said, that women shouldn't dress like sluts if they don't want to be raped. After that, people all around the world  started to organise these protest actions called "slutwalks". Girls dressed in short skirts, wearing deep neckline and high heels march through city, carrying transparents with slogans like: "my short skirt has nothing to do with you" and "no means no" are trying to point out the fact that the way you dress has nothing to do with you ending up as a victim. Rape is all about aggressor demonstrating his power over a victim, regardless how the victim is dressed.
But the prejudice and blaming victims for being dressed too seductively are not helping to solve the problem! Only 8% of the Czech rape victims will go to the police eventually to announce what has happened to them. The rest is afraid of being humiliated again, this time by the police. Its not rare to hear that you were the one who is to blame, as you provoked the aggressor.

This sounds like a problem that is worth marching through the streets!

How did it go?
Despite the fact it was raining quite a lot, about 25 people attended Slutwalk in Prague. (On facebook, 157 people confirmed their attendance. I have just one word for those who never showed up: cowards!!! We were there, marching through the rain! :)

Important link to check out if interested:

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